Contract Revocations

Revocation for the Divine Feminine

Revocation for the Divine Feminine

I call to all spiritual contracts that exist:

-within my past, present and future beings, -selves and existence in this dimension and time stream -and all time streams above and below the Earth centric sine wave of co-existence.

At this exact moment, in the ever-present co-creating moment, I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity so I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.

I call forth the proper spiritual court of equity to hear my decree of contract removal.

I revoke all spiritual contracts with Earth based religions, cultures, belief systems and industries that dominate and control the divine feminine power in our world and create an energetic imbalance that effects every man woman and child on the planet.

I call forth all ancestors of all soul relations to hold space in this spiritual court of equity.

I call to Earth Mother and all her light denizens within all inner and outer space to come forward and occupy this spiritual court of equity.

Oh great mystery who is the source of all power, I call to you.

Come with your sacred synchronicity so all beings may hold space with unity consciousness.

I hereby revoke contracts of all religions and cultural belief systems that place the feminine in a dominated position of inequality. These include the projections of unequal pay, the inability for a woman to earn a living, own land or a business, or receive an education of her choosing.

I do not consent to the feminist movement that was created and funded by the CIA to separate a woman from her divine feminine power, foster a hatred for men and create separation and division in the soul family unit.

I hereby revoke all cultural belief systems that create the expectations of a “womans duty” to hold an unrealistic burden alone and suffer in silence.

I do not consent to all social policing systems that have been put in place to make a woman feel like she is too sensitive, to emotional, or out of control in the attempt at gaslighting a womans soul to make her feel like she is unstable or insignificant.

I hereby revoke all contracts of cultural belief systems where female children are murdered at birth, sexually mutilated as a supposed “right of passage”, sold off into a billion dollar child pornography industry, or trafficked as sex slaves.

I do not consent to the porn industry that has been the breeding ground for sexual perversion spiritual contracts and the exploitation, degradation, victimization and bastardization of the divine feminine power.

I hereby revoke the following spiritual sexual perversion contracts that are targeted at separating a woman from her divine feminine power: -all group sex and polyamorous programs that are all a perversion of divine sexuality aimed at making a woman feel that she is somehow “not enough” -all double standards in cultural belief systems where recreational sexual promiscuity, multiple wives, harems and mistresses are allowed and celebrated for a man, but cause social ruin for a woman. -all programs that create projections that men put on women while masturbating, as well as perverted fantasies that are used as a barrier between the heart space of a man and a woman in a sacred sexual bond.

I do not consent to these spiritual sexual perversion contracts. You have no power over me. I hereby declare that Earth mother is in dominion with me, as well as my soul family and my ancestors.

I declare that I am now clean from these projections of sexual perversion and I return to the source of innocence as a divine feminine sovereign being.

I hereby revoke all contracts and concepts created in innocence or blissfully ignorant states of being.

I hereby declare a new form of spiritual and physical cleanliness.

I revoke all previous self created concepts of cleanliness and any perverted attachments to myself. This new invocation of cleanliness removes all previous concepts of sacred sexuality, sensuality, recreational sex. I bring them all back to the zero point of the fetus in mothers womb. I reconnect all my DNA strands to that of the heartbeat of Earth mother.

The sacred feminine is connected to her heart in her sacred feminine space and does not deny her menstrual cycle, she accepts it as a time of introspection, retrospection and reflection.

I hereby revoke all spiritual contracts with the entertainment and advertising industry that has created programs of self hatred, low self esteem, self medication, self mutilation, eating disorders, etc.

I hereby revoke all spiritual contracts with the medical industry that have damaged a womans health and ability to reproduce according to the natural laws of Earth Mother. Birth control drugs, and other chemicals in our food water and air that cause sterility or over-sexuality. As well as clothing that is damaging to a womans health such as bra’s, heels, corsets, bound feet, and tampons.

I revoke all birthing contracts created through c-sections, pregnancy drugs, pre-natal x rays, vaccinations, incubations, children who are not put on the mothers heart after birth, removal of the placenta and cutting of the umbilical chord which can stay in tact for up to 4 days to allow for the childs heart bond with the mother and father.

I revoke all contracts that force a woman to carry and birth a soul that is not of their cocreative divine choice with their selected or bonded sacred masculine. This includes rape victims, teenage pregnancies and forced or arranged marriages. I return to Earth mother the natural incarnation grid. I now permanently delete the reincarnation grid from my soul existence. I do not consent to all programs aimed at making a woman feel too fat, too thin, too old, too young, too black, too white, too ethnic, too rich, too poor, or any projection at all that makes a woman feel that she is somehow not good enough.

I hereby declare that I am more than good enough, I am infinite consciousness. I am God Goddess incarnate. I am a sovereign being and I hereby reclaim my divine feminine power in this spiritual court of equity.

I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the Earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.

  • About Andrew
    About Andrew

    Andrew Bartzis is a transcendent teacher, Shaman and Reiki master with the rare ability of being able to access the Akashic Records of our planet and all that this universe encompasses at will.

    Also known as the Galactic Historian, he’s able to read and interpret individual, cultural, global, and galactic histories (past, present, and future) with everyone who’s eager to learn. Just as if you would look through a clear glass of pure water, Andrew can read the Akashic Records while in a fully conscious state.

    Which means he can read your records while fully engaging with you in a warm, light­hearted manner and sacred neutral state.

    As an Akashic reader and master healer for over a quarter century, his goal is to help the world around him by sharing information from this sacred neutral state of no­time. By bringing forth the power of contract revocations, he helps individuals reclaim their sovereign free will and find their way to peace, joy and happiness. For indeed that is what we all seek!